Simple Ways to Get In More Exercise

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The benefits of moving your body are scientifically proven to boost energy, improve mood, reduce anxiety and stress, maintain a healthy brain, decrease food cravings, improve circulation, eliminate toxins and so much more. You probably already know that physical activity is key to good health, but are you actually integrating exercise and movement into your daily routine? Even if you are eating well, you still need to exercise.

I LOVE to exercise. It is a huge part of my life, by choice, and I do it as much and as often as possible   Exercise provides me with so many physical and mental benefits.  My favorite ways to exercise are running, walking, playing tennis, strength training, swimming, high intensity interval training, skiing and rowing.

I enjoy exercising and I make time to do it consistently. I know not everyone likes to exercise and some people have trouble motivating or finding the time.

Here are some simple ways to inspire and help you get moving:

Don’t get tripped up in the all-or-nothing mentality. The secret not many people realize is even a short workout has huge benefits. Even five minutes of exercise or movement each day can make a huge difference.

Find a true motivator. Do you want to lose weight, live pain free, be a healthy role model or live a long life? And consider your real-life goals too. Do you want to be more active with your children? Or maybe you want to stay active later in life so you can live independently. When you know YOUR reason WHY it will improve your commitment.

Do things you enjoy. Choose activities that are fun and add variety. You are not limited to only a gym or treadmill to move your body. If you are happier playing basketball, doing yoga, boxing or dancing, do THOSE things. Identify and play to your strengths. Are you competitive? Sign up for a tennis tournament. Do you like to help others? Organize and train for a walk to raise funds for a special cause. Do you love nature? Start hiking.

Schedule it. Put your exercise plans into your calendar like any other meeting and don't get pulled off track.

Accountability is key. Pair up with a friend or join a group, gym or class. When your friends or group members are waiting on you or expecting you, there is a much higher likelihood that you will stick with it.  And you can motivate each other.

Keep it simple. If you don’t have time for a full workout, squeeze it in whenever you can!! These things count as exercise too— Ride your bike or walk to work (or while doing errands). Do some household chores. Shovel (when it is not sooo cold out). Tend your garden. Dance around your living room. Take the stairs. Take your dog for a walk/or for a walk on your own. Park further away in the parking lot. Get off the subway a few stops earlier. Do pushups, sit ups, squats or jumping jacks while watching TV. Count your steps.

Set yourself up for success. Lay out your exercise clothes and shoes by the bed the night before. Have you water bottle already filled up or your gym bag packed, so literally all you have to do is wake up and get out the door. Set a timer to remind you when your class or workout is. Make it an automatic part of your day.  

What is your favorite way to exercise? How can I help you improve?    

How will you move in a way that’s simple and doable every day this week?

Share with me in the comments below
